Monday 18 July 2011

We're doing well in Essex!

So while Jane and Sam don't have any internet access it's up to those of us who have been left at home to update the blog.  Annabelle was meant to do it but has decided to go to bed instead, so here goes...

The big news of the day in Essex was .....
Annabelle passed her driving test 
and it was first time!!!!  Personally I think that it was all down to my great tuition over the weekend, others may say it had something to do with her driving instructor Janice from "Janice's School of Motoring".  Whilst I am available for tuition for a very reasonable fee, I think that you would probably be better off with Janice, especially as "everything is different now " as Annie keeps telling me.

Those of you on the roads around Chelmsford watch out for a Black Corsa driven by a young lady looking lost, navigation is not one of Annie's strong points!  Her parking is pretty good though which is more than can be said of this person...

Apart from that, we have not given up on our training, braving the elements this weekend to do a few miles getting ready for the Irish weather - I'm sure she will love this picture ;-)

In Ireland, the big news of the day (yesterday) was ....
It was Sam's 20th birthday
He wanted a PS3, some things never change!  (I'm going to get in sooo much trouble for this):
Sam aged 10
Apart from that Jane and Sam have been powering ahead, covering about 25 miles each day.  They are currently walking the Ring of Beara and will soon start round the Ring of Kerry and are staying in a house we have rented for the week.  Sam has been joined by a couple of his friends.  The walking is going well but the weather has deteriorated and is now back to the normal Irish mixture of sun and rain (mostly rain) - but there is a reason why it is called the green country!
Their fitness has improved and they are now walking up the hills without any problem.... Jane was very happy to tell me she was cheered on a couple of days ago by a group as they thought she was part of the passing triathlon. Jane's feet are holding up (so to speak) and now she can see some skin on her feet (it was just a mass of compeed before).

Anyway, hopefully they will be online in the next day or so to give an update (and some pictures).
In the mean time, the Essex two will soldier on.
Paul x

P.S. I believe all the pictures are copyright free  but please get in touch if they aren't and I'll remove them  (it's all for a good cause).

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