Saturday 25 June 2011

More ups and downs

Getting ready for the garden party tomorrow. Having a break from cake making!
No-one said this was going to be easy but I hadn't thought certain things would prove difficult such as paying in the money we have collected. Paul held a cake sale at Thomson Reuters and made £302 (obviously like their cake -thanks). So I have diligently been bagging the money correctly and took some along to my local Halifax to pay in. No can only take 5 bags per day since they don't 'deal' with coins on a large scale!! Strange I thought money was money. If I go overdrawn by some small coins they still count that.
Arrived at another supermarket yesterday to collect as arranged by the manager a few weeks ago. When I arrived I noticed another charity also collecting. At the customer service desk was told since I had no letter I couldn't collect since the other charity had a letter. Then another person arrived from the first charity and said she was supposed to collect. At this point I thought I would simply do some shopping and leave, enough to do at home. When I got to the check out the supervisor said I could collect after all since the two people representing (and apparently getting paid by) the other charity had had a fight and it got rather unpleasant so they were both evicted!! Sam took over in the afternoon having come home from Hammersmith having finished his last exam. His room seems to be rather full now!!
It was lovely to see Jean from Australia yesterday and learn of all the news about Megan and Katie. Even better meeting up with her in Ireland and she is going to walk for a day or two. See you in Arklow!!
Also learnt my cousin Nell will meet up with us in Lahinch. I haven't seen her for almost 40 years!! It will be great to meet up with some of the family.

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