Met some really nice people en route, some offering a donation. Kept going really all day. I hadn't realised I was so tired until I starting talking (or trying to) to a lady who started up a conversation on my way back to the hotel. My voice sounded really weird, all jittery as if there was no energy to produce the sounds. She must have thought what a weirdo, had the attractive walking hat on(in normal circumstances wouldn't be seen dead in), sunglasses, several layers of suncream and luminous covering on my rucksack.
After a shower and bath went to the hotel bar for early diner. I was starving but could only manage a tiny amount, body has done enough today - bodes well for the weight loss. Spent evening emailing and preparing for tomorrow. An early night calls. Feel tired but very pleased with myself. Feet rather blistered and there is Compeed covering large areas but all else seems ok, at this stage.
We have now covered 91 miles in 5 days. Sam will walk the 100th tomorrow on his way out of Wexford to Wellington Bridge. He is going to walk an extra 4 miles since we are 4 miles behind schedule.
A few pics from our hotel window stunning view - I will return to Whites one day
Plenty of water on board - and not the Irish falling-down variety!