Sunday, 14 August 2011

Feeling the miles

Jane and Paul 12 Sam and Annie 13.5 Total 25.5
Walked from near Portnoo to near Bunbeg. Paul and I walked together and the first part of our walk was scenic and the sun shone a little. As we walked around teh coast the scenery became a bit monotonous and desolate. We both really felt this walk and this evening I particularly am having problems getting up froma seated position! Once I get going I'm alright, it's the first few steps that are painful. It's not a pretty sight really. Paul is getting a lot of pain in his feet, ankles and knees - not much left!
Sam and Annie had a rather  nice end to their walk with some very nice scenery particularly of broad sandy beaches.

Annie had a rather unusual experience on her wlak, a dog she was trying to be friendly with got the wrong message and started humping her leg!! Big brother came to the rescue and managed to get the dog off!

the scoundrel before the event!!
They were relating the story to a lady in the village who said the dog is a scoundrel (mmm). We did in fact nearly run the blighter over when we drove through the village later, thinks it owns the place! Thank you to that nice lady also for your vey kind donation,
Staying at Ostan Gweedore Hotel, thank you for your generous discount. Our hotel room has a wonderful view of the beach and little islands.

view from our room
Fabulous meal in the restaurant overlooking the sea. Currently sitting in the bar listening to a singer and having a drink and summoning the strength to climb the stairs to go bed!

Miles are clocking up -now done 847.5 miles. We are a bit sore but overall I am enjoying the experience so much and really don't want it to end. I think over the past few weeks I haven't laughed so much or felt so happy for a long time. The only things I am missing are my lovely mum, Maisie and Lulu and my comfy bed! Speak most days to my mum and I know she is really missing us all. She has a map of Irealnd and is plotting our journey  - she keeps saying were are nearly there!

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