Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Poor Annie

Spent last night in A and E - Annie has fractured her ankle. Not good preparation for the walk!! Back at the fracture clinic today. Paul skiing this week so hopefully only one cast in the Horti house,

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Training started

Have been trying to get the training started. Yesterday had  short walk -3 miles. Sadly this is the longest Maisie (our old labrador) can do without collapsing. Today we had to creep out of the house without her realising since she gets so excited at the prospect of a walk! Did 8.5 miles and the rain started just in time to give us the real Irish training!!!

Saturday, 12 March 2011

website complete!

This is the first blog of our family's charity walk this summer around the coast of Ireland  -1000 miles starting on the 1st July. We want to raise an  amazing amount of money for two children's hospices -Little Haven's in Essex and LauraLynn House in Dublin which will be the first children's hospice in Ireland when it opens this summer.

Preparations now in full swing and have completed (or rather Paul has) website. Do have a look and even better donate.  Any comments gratefully received.

Off for a walk ...